Enter the magical world of Disney's Beauty and the Beast with this evocative double dangle charm. Disney's Belle and the Beast dance within an openwork frame surrounded by roses set with man-made yellow crystals. The ballroom is depicted in a background disc in transparent yellow hand-applied basse-taille enamel technique. The bail features 3D rose details. Commemorating the imperfect but magical love between Belle and the Beast, the dangle charm is engraved with the phrase “Beauty is found Within”.
Sterling Silver and Enamel
Pandora Packaging Included
2 Year Warranty
For contractual reasons we are not allowed to retail PANDORA on-line, we do have a wonderful selection of PANDORA in-store.
Please visit our PANDORA department, or give us a call on 01509 212560 or email to make any purchase.
Monday - Saturday: 9.00-5.30
Sundays: Closed
We Are Closed The 1st of January
Bank Holidays: Closed
A trusted landmark in the town of Loughborough, Tylers Department Store is a unique family run and owned store, which has developed over the past 100 years. From it’s early beginnings as a traditional hardware store, to the existing luxury department store, the third generation of the Tylers family have successfully created a beautiful modern store that provides complete home solutions and luxurious giftware, jewellery, women's fashion and of course Tylers Café,
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